Organization: Community World Service Asia
Registration deadline: 12 Nov 2015
Starting date: 01 Dec 2015
Ending date: 03 Dec 2015
Greetings and Peace from Community World Service Asia!
We are offering three day training on ‘Introduction to Core Humanitarian Standard and its Application’ from Dec 01-03, 2015 at Kabul, Afghanistan. The staff of international and national NGOs and UN agencies is welcome to apply.
Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) is a result of the Joint Standards Initiative (JSI) in which the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International, People in Aid and the Sphere Project joined forces to seek greater coherence for users of humanitarian standards. It is widely recognised initiative to improve quality of assistance provided to the communities, and enhance the accountability of an organization. Purpose of the CHS is to help organizations assess, design, implement, improve and recognize accountable programmes. It outlines the actions and organizational responsibilities in order to be accountable to crisis-affected communities.
Community World Service Asia has been providing capacity building support to aid organizations on Quality and Accountability (Q&A) in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Asia-Pacific region since 2005.
Given the interest in complementing the different standards, we offer a three-day training course on ‘Introduction to Core Humanitarian Standard and its Application’.
The training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to use Core Humanitarian Standard in ensuring the quality and accountability in project, program and organization. The learning objectives are:
At the end of the training, participants will be able to
• List the nine commitments of the CHS and the corresponding key actions, organizational responsibilities.
• Give examples of good practice drawn from their own experience and more widely from the sector
• Identify ways to apply and commit few actions for implementing CHS in different project, program and organization.
Who should Apply
• The training is designed for staff and practitioners involved in project/program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
• Participants are expected to have prior knowledge and experience of using Sphere Minimum Standards or HAP.
When: Dec 01-03, 2015
Where: Kabul Afghanistan (venue tbc)
Training Fee: $ 200
How to register:
The attached brochure provides detailed information on the training. If you wish to nominate any
person(s) from your organization,
How to apply
• Kindly fill out the online application form till Nov 12, 2015
• Applicants will be notified if their participation is confirmed by Nov 16, 2015
Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact us.
Thanking you and assuring you of our best cooperation and services at all times.
Quality and Accountability Program
Community World Service Asia
|P.O Box 5126, Lahore
|Ph: +92 42 3517 5455|Fax: +92 42 3516 9047